The project MUINÍN focuses on the development of innovative solutions for the recognition and validation of competencies acquired through informal, non-formal and other learning. It will focus on disadvantaged learners and will improve and extend the offer of high quality learning opportunities to disadvantaged learners by enhancing the competencies of RPL (Recognition of Prior Learning) mentors /facilitators based in community workplace settings. The project will create a new role for mentors in the workplace and in community; it will develop competencies for the role, a blended learning training programme which will be tested through the lifetime of this project, all directly focusing on contributing to the following relevant horizontal (1) and sectoral (2 and 3) priorities:
- Transparency and recognition of skills and qualifications to facilitate learning, employability and labour mobility.
- Extending and developing educators’ competencies.
- Improving and extending the offer of high quality learning opportunities.
The project MUINÍN-CONFIDENCE – Building Institutional Confidence in Work/life Learning RPL is financed by the European Programme ERASMUS+, Key action Cooperation for innovation and exchange of good practices, Action Strategic Partnerships.