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Transnational meeting in Perugia, Italy- 21-22 November, 2016
Transnational meeting in Thessaloniki, Greece
ØDescribe the ideal CWB-RPL Mentor Facilitator in terms of their roles and responsibilities
ØIdentify the competencies required to professionally exercise these functions
ØSet out the associated teaching and learning strategies required
ØProduce the pedagogic materials needed to impart these skills and knowledge
ØDevelop an appropriately accredited Community/ Workplace Based RPL Mentor Facilitator Programme
09.30 Welcome to Participants-Coffee
10.00 Introduction of the New Partner: WUSMED 10.30 Muinin Project Overview and Background 11.00 Muinin Project: Aims and Objectives 11.30 Intellectual Outputs: Discussion 12.00 Financial and Management Issues 12.30 Transnational Meetings and Communication Schedule- Next Steps 13.00 Conclusions- End of the Meeting
Transnational meeting in Bacau, Romania
At „Vasile Alecsandri” University of Bacău, in March, a meeting took place about the MUININ Project – An EU project on the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL), Building Institutional Confidence in Work/Life Learning Experience, ERASMUS+ 2016-1-IE01-KA204-016921. It had guest from all the participant countries: Eddie Higgins and Dermont Cauanagh from EQUAL Ireland, Estel Guillanmes from World University Service of the Mediterranean (Spain), Catia Trinari and Maria Brizi from TUCEP, Italy, Erini Ozouni and Katerina Kouimtzi from Carrer Services Office, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, along with the team from Romania from the „Vasile Alecsandri” University of Bacău.
Transnational meeting in Girona, Spain -27-28 September, 2018
Project progress overview
Key outputs of the Consortium meeting:
- a) Obtain an agreed Programme Proposal.
- b) Discussion, and if possible agreement, on the Teaching and Learning Activities for next year.
- c) Discussion on the Case histories.
O3: Curriculum Design Proposal Presentation
Feedback of EU partners & joint discussion
Coffee break & Networking
Programme Agreement and discussion of Teaching and learning activities for the next year.
Lunch and Networking in the Technological Park
Project website: presentation of the improved version & new features towards extending MUININ network.
Joint discussion: further improvements
Conclusions of the day
Guided visit Old Town Girona
Diner in Boira Restaurant
Lifelong learning: Bridging academia and the job market
Dissemination and Quality Assurance
Coffee break & Networking
General Financial Issues and bilateral meetings
Conclusion and Next steps
Lunch in El Siloc Restaurant